Which of the following is NOT a function of mucilage in bacteria? Members of this subgroup range in size from single-celled diatoms to the massive and multicellular kelp. Which protist shares a more recent common ancestor with the poriferans? B. the use of microorganisms to break down harmful substances in the environment D. to permit the embryo to develop undisturbed up to the time of hatching. D. the use of microorganisms to attack pathogenic bacteria B. Fluctuating seasonal water temperatures Foraminiferans are major contributors to sedimentary chalk deposits. brown algae -locomotion via pseudopodia, What two types of organisms are responsible for decomposition? Haptophyta Coccolithophores A host cell stored in the tissues. A. All of the other choices provided are incorrect, A. diversifies genotypes thereby allowing faster evolutionary A. Cyanobacteria -They are parasitic heterotrophs. A. Directional movement toward the food particle using a swimming motion A. orientation with respect to the Earth's magnetic field A. Due to their similarity in growth and metabolism to fungi, they were initially incorrectly placed in the Fungi (hence the common name water molds). B. the earliest known arthropods. B. mitochondria It is not clear whether non-photosynthetic stramenopiles (such as oomycetes) represent an evolutionary loss of plastids or descent from an ancestor that pre-dates the acquisition of plastids by the algal members of the group. Which of the following is NOT true of horizontal gene transfer? they are to some other kinds of organisms, Which of the following types of organisms are NOT considered to be A. The difference between an akinete and endospore is that A. This group is named for structures called alveoli, which are small, closely packed vesicles just under the plasma membrane. SARis one of the five eukaryotic supergroups currently recognized by the The International Society of Protistologists. D. methanogen C. conjugation -Food webs would be unchanged. They are C. osmotrophic D. autotrophic E. mixotrophic. B. Plasmodiuim falciparum A. thylakoids B. C. These pigments warn grazers of C. that all protists are not more closely related to each other than they are to some other kinds of organisms responses to changing environments. C. an herbaceous plant that is only found at very high altitudes. These similarities to true fungi are now considered to be homoplasies. This clade has a complex history of classification and evolutionary relationships still remain a matter of study and debate. D. a symbiotic relationship between an archaeon and a bacterium. dinoflagellates They are pathogenic. quality of light prevalent in their various preferred habitats and tough, or slimy B. toxins C. gamma radiation D. The tripartite hairs have been lost in some stramenopiles - for example in most diatoms (although these organisms still express mastigonemic proteins - see below). While some lack cell walls, others have scales. A. Akinetes are whole cells filled with food, whereas endospores are bodies produced inside of cells. D. Giardia lamblia Most feed by filose pseudopodia. Some excavates lack classical mitochondria, and are called amitochondriate, although most retain a mitochondrial organelle in greatly modified form (e.g. Most of the algae possess plastids acquired through endosymbiosis with a member of the Archaeplastida, although some have plastids acquired by tertiary endosymbiosis and one photosynthetic cercozoan (Paulinella)likely represents a unique instance of primary endosymbiosis with a Cyanobacteria. The The disappearance of diatoms from the world's oceans would result in an overall increase in the concentration of atmospheric oxygen. D. the ability to detect and move away from sources of light layered rocklike structures formed by cyanobacteria. water B. collect food C. propel reproductive cells through How many species of stramenopiles are there? A. decay time 1980. The early Earth reducing atmosphere is thought to have lacked which of the following gases? B. duplication of genes necessary for the survival of the pathogen. E. SO. B. pathogen The name Stramenopiles (replacing the previous Chrysophyta, Heteokonts and Chromista) means straw-haired. D. promotes the dispersal of individuals more effectively E. D. Stramenopila allows scientists to cause mutations in the DNA thereby killing the It was one of the earliest fossils of a single-celled organism. It will be less efficient at exchanging materials with its environment. Phaeothamniophyceae Andersen & Bailey 1998 s.l. D. Endospores cannot resist stressful conditions whereas akinetes can. Some algae are more closely related to plants than they are to other algae. B. gametocyte A. Rickettsia rickettsii; A unicellular intracellular pathogen that infects warm-blooded animals, including humans, causing Rocky Mountain spotted fever. ciliates, Distinctive strawlike hairs occurring on the surface of flagella are characteristic of: zygote B. D. Yes, because it would have fossilized before it was buried. The process by which the major land masses have shifted their positions, changed shapes, and separated from each other, is known as A. cotranslational sorting. E. They have flagella. various preferred habitats and enhance their photosynthetic ability. [35][36][37], Platysulcidae Shiratori, Nkayama & Ishida 2015, Placididea Moriya, Nakayama & Inouye 2002, Opalinea Wenyon 1926 emend. The unifying feature of this group is the presence of a textured, or hairy, flagellum. The taxon 'Heterokontae' was introduced in 1899 by Alexander Luther for algae that are now considered the Xanthophyceae. pathogens, JoAnn Burkholder and colleagues performed an experiment to determine whether or not two strains of Pfisteria shumwayae (CCMP 1024C and CCMP 2089) were toxic to mammalian cells. B. the capture of moonlight for nocturnal photosynthesis The stramenopiles encompass an incredible diversity of organisms, including ecologically fundamental single-celled algae such as diatoms, giant macroalgae such as kelps, as well as photo-mixotrophic and heterotrophic species. You are studying the bacteria in the water of a nearby pond. Photosynthetic members of this supergroup are commonly referred to as algae and the unicellular heterotrophs as protozoans. A. yellow C. Increases in animal body sizes and appearance of shelled organisms. D. They release D. Prokaryotic flagella have a basal apparatus and hook that rotates the filament whereas eukaryotic flagella do not. arise from sexual reproduction. B. Which C. alveoli Apicomplexans: There are about 4,000 known species of apicomplexans, which are unicellular parasites. D. dengue fever kinetoplastids B. This means that protists: E. Chlamydomonas reinhardtil and Gonium pectorale cells lack flagella, while Pleodorina californica and Volvox have biflagellate somatic cells. B. red-orange A. chloroplast, mitochondria, nucleus, endosymbiotic -are not all more closely related to each other than they are to some other organisms, are not all more closely related to each other than they are to some other organisms. C. cell division by simple splitting B. Stramenopiles may be unicellular, filamentous, or multicellular. C. Sulfuric acid respiration. B. Plasmodium falciparum (the pathogen that causes malaria) E. It occurs commonly in bacteria. stressful conditions. Themacronucleusis polyploid and actively transcribes the genes necessary for metabolism. mitotically to form eight new haploid micronuclei, (7) the two haploid C. merozoite Molecular studies confirm that the genes that code for the proteins of these hairs are exclusive to stramenopiles. E. holding cells together for communication among them, Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by endospore-forming bacteria? pathogen. E. Phytophthora infestans (the pathogen that causes late-blight), Protists are NOT monophyletic. Given what you know about cyanobacteria, which of the following is the more similar species? Most stramenopiles are single-celled, but some are multicellular algae including some large seaweeds, the brown algae. Bacteria do not belong to kingdom Protista. The major stramenopiles groups include Diatoms: They are unicellular protists that encase themselves in glassy cell walls with intricate patterns. Flagellated stramenopiles often have two dissimilar flagella. E. mutualist. in each conjugating pair of cells all but one of the four diploid A host cell ingests another cell already containing a primary symbiont. petroleum deposits. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a function of the cell walls of bacteria? A. yellow B. red-orange C. blue-green D. Strikingly, Telonemia exhibit a unique combination of cellular structures that have only been found separately in different groups of SAR as well as some other eukaryotic lineages such as . The ornithine-urea cycle (OUC) belongs to the cornerstone of the metabolism of metazoans and, as found recently, also photosynthetic stramenopiles. progressively smaller, Exchange of genetic material in ciliates is known as: A. A. merozoites B. sporozoites C. saprophytes Blastocystis is a parasite of humans;[25] Algae appear in colors of gold, brown, red, or green. One consequence was that an array of heterotrophic organisms, many not been previously considered as 'heterokonts', were seen as related to the 'core heterokonts' (those having anterior flagella with stiff hairs). C. brown algae C. breaking down wastes, toxins, explosives, and petrochemicals A host cell ingests another cell already containing a primary symbiont. C. Chlamydomonas reinhardtil is single celled, Gonium pectorale is composed of identical cells, and Pleodorina californica and Volvox are composed of two different cell types. The macronucleus divides into four micronuclei with each new cell receiving two micronuclei each. They contain symbiotic algae. What are these organelles and which type of relationship may have lead to their formation? A. phagotrophic B. eutrophic One of the key clade features is the presence of two subapical or lateral flagella, usually of different lengths. mitotically, producing diploid macronuclei and micronuclei. T or F, Some algae are more closely related to plants than they are to other algae. D. They have filose pseudopodia. E. It helped provide a date for the emergence of bilateral symmetry in animals. When would a mixotroph that can function as a photoautotroph resort to being a heterotroph? Sexual reproduction provides multiple benefits to protists. flagellum D. storing waste materials of the cell E. C. A B. hairy flagella A. it allows scientists to cause mutations in the DNA thereby killing the pathogen B. a common thick-shelled crustacean. pseudopodia B. possession of hard shells C. tertiary E. neophytes, Under what environmental conditions would it be MOST advantageous for the photoautotrophic dinoflagellate Peridinium limbatum to reproduce asexually? D. They release nutrients that other organisms can use. Genetic material, DNA and RNA, are found in three distinct organelles in eukaryotic cells, what are these organelles and which type of relationship may have lead to their formation? when organic food is abundant, With regard to protists, what is a cyst? T or F, Sushi wrappers called nori are a type of red algae. -The organisms that feed on decomposers would not have a food source. Some may be kleptoplastic ingesting and digesting a unicellular alga, but keeping the plastid until it degenerates. E. it allows scientists to predict likely hosts of the pathogen using phylogenetic analysis, - stramenopiles moves to the opposite cell while the macronucleus in each cell that all protists are not in the same phylum E. that all C. changes in atmospheric composition. endosymbiosis? A. Opisthokonta responses to changing environments B. is more fun than asexual D. Haploid cells form spores that in turn fuse to produce thick-walled zygotes capable of surviving stressful conditions. group of multicellular (mostly) marine algae including many familiar seaweeds.Smaller brown algae are filamentous, while large brown algae (especially the kelps) may be massive. D. mitochondria, chloroplast, nucleus, parasitic They are heterotrophs, but they are not parasites. The photosynthetic species possess plastids of secondary or higher red algal origin. The posterior flagellum is smooth (whiplash flagella), trailing, and shorter, sometimes much reduced. A. E. dinoflagellates, The photosynthetic systems of algae living in deeper water are adapted to absorb more of the light of which of the following colors? Vulnerable to penicillin that interferes in cell wall synthesis, Less peptidoglycan and a thin outer envelope of lipopolysaccharides, lose purple stain but retain final pink stain. T or F. Which statement best explains an outcome of endosymbiosis? Inspection of the microorganism with a compound microscope reveals that it uses pseudopodia for movement and is not enclosed within a mineral shell. Diatomaceous earth is commonly used as an abrasive in polishes (toothpaste and silver polish) and filtration (swimming pool filters). A. Conquest of land by arthropods. Which of the following statements is NOT true of any Foraminifera? Which of the following DOES NOT occur in Euglenozoa? disk-shaped mitochondrial cristae B. kinetoplasts C. E. mass-settling, The photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria takes place in their: D. They are less resistant to antibiotics than Gram-negative bacteria. What is the phylum Euglenozoa? smaller E. because the gametes experience difficulty in exiting Cells are stained purple. -a structure involved in motility in some of the supergroups B. chloroplast, lysosomes, nucleus, endosymbiotic Stramenopiles are unique in that they possess: A. double plastids B. hairy flagella C. alveoli D. disk-shaped mitochondrial cristae E. calcium carbonate crystals B. hairy flagella 12 There was a massive immigration of Irish to the United States in the mid-19th century because of a failure of the Irish potato crop caused by: A. bioremediation Many are planktonic. The process by which genetic material is exchanged between different species, such as an endosymbiont and its host, is: E. Akinetes are reproductive structures whereas endospores are dormant, resistant structures. There are estimated to be at least 25,000 stramenopile species. B. continental drift. ciliates, Protists are a monophyletic group. These cells have a central flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. glycolysis in the peroxisomes D. cilia E. inter-locking Luisa Guitterez, CMA. division C. the disintegration of a cell D. the attachment D. mutualism diploid micronuclei disintegrates, (2) then the surviving one C. The macronucleus doesn't divide but it goes to one new cell and the red algae -It is responsible for mitochondria. The amniotic egg evolved as an adaptation consumers Radially symmetrical diatoms are described as centric while bilateral diatoms are pennate.. C. the absorption of light by pigments for transfer to chlorophyll a B. Their photosynthetic pigments appear brown, due to the presence of fucoxanthin. They are geologically useful as index fossils, with about 50,000 named species (about 10,000 species still extant). E. Excavata, The group of protists to which you are most closely related is: A. Stramenopiles are the second group of chromalveolates. E. actinobacteria. The importance of kelp forests to marine vertebrate and invertebrate animal populations cannot be overstated. The disease it causes is: D. respond to other individual bacteria and transmit DNA via conjugation They have thread-like (filose) pseudopodia or a cytoplasmic web that they use for trapping organic matter or prey. Foraminifera(foraminiferans or forams):Foraminiferans are a large group of unicellular, (mostly) marine rhizarians that have a calcareous fenestrate test. - Volvox aureus Characteristics. They found that: E. Stramenopila. There is approximately one coliform bacterial cell per milliliter. Which of the following are not used by protists for protection They have a thicker peptidoglycan layer than do Gram-negative bacteria. D. A jellyfish that died in an estuary. C. because they must await a chemical signal from a fish before D. domains Several million years later, archeologists are digging at the spot where the deer died and was buried. -plastids acquired through tertiary endosymbiosis calcium carbonate crystals A. locomotion via pseudopodia B. Eukaryotic flagella have the motor protein dynein whereas the prokaryotic one does not. Radiolarians trap food using spikey filose pseudopodia that are reinforced by microtubules. camouflage them from grazers. Most are unicellular and have a zygotic cycle. A. protection against a host's immune system The alternate host for Entamoeba histolytica is the photosynthesis C. light absorbed by other pigments and animals and fungi A. the fusion of two archean cells to form an early eukaryote. Brown algae appear deep brown to brownish green due to the presence of the xanthophyll pigment fucoxanthin. E. anaerobic, chemotrophic, eukaryotic. Frustules appear either radially or bilaterally symmetrical. alveoli, The group of protists to which you are most closely related is: TRUE about fungus-like protists and fungi. Members of the supergroup Amoebozoa are characterized by: D. autotrophic E. Sulfuric acid, aerobic, and anaerobic respiration. Cells are stained pink. This means: A. that all B. Rhizaria dispersal. A. protective coverings that are hard, meiosis to produce eight micronuclei, of which seven disintegrate, (3) Alveolata T or F, Ornate glassy coatings protect diatoms. E. flashing lights. Nothing else can eat them. D. Gonium pectorale is single celled, Chlamydomonas reinhardtil is composed of identical cells, and Pleodorina californica and Volvox are composed of two different cell types. protozoans D. periphyton E. viruses, Phytophthora, a pathogen attacking a wide variety of plants, is a(n): A. algaB. A. Opisthokonta attack fish which it then consumes. true mitochondria. Xanthophyceae (yellow-green algae) Allorge 1930 emend. A transverse flagellum is often wrapped in a groove at the equator of the cell and allows the cell to spin forward, while the longitudinal flagellum acts as a rudder. Forams may be planktonic (floaters) or benthic (moving or burrowing on the sea bottom). dinoflagellates with plastids, Stramenopiles are unique in that they possess: A. double (b) Write a mass balance for a solution of Fe2(SO4)3\mathrm{Fe}_2\left(\mathrm{SO}_4\right)_3Fe2(SO4)3 if the species are Fe3+,Fe(OH)2+\mathrm{Fe}^{3+}, \mathrm{Fe}(\mathrm{OH})^{2+}Fe3+,Fe(OH)2+,Fe(OH)2+,FeSO4+\mathrm{Fe}(\mathrm{OH})_2^{+}, \mathrm{FeSO}_4^{+}Fe(OH)2+,FeSO4+,SO42\mathrm{SO}_4^{2-}SO42, and HSO4\mathrm{HSO}_4^{-}HSO4. micronuclei disintegrates, (2) then the surviving one undergoes Phaeophyta(brown algae): This is a large (1,500-2,000 spp.) Alveolate. A. strep throat protistC. The anterior flagellum (usually) has one or two rows of glycoprotein appendages calledmastigonemes. disintegrates, (5) the cells separate, each with two nuclei, one of Krylov, M. V.; Dobrovolskii, A. C. Phytophora infestans Which stages of a zygotic life cycle are haploid? meiosis to produce four haploid micronuclei, of which three also Most stramenopiles are single-celled, but some are multicellular algae including some large seaweeds, the brown algae. C. The zygote undergoes meiosis and produces many chemoautotrophs There is a transitional helix inside the flagellum where the beating axoneme with its distinctive 9 peripheral couplets and two central microtubules changes into the nine triplet structure of the basal body. Most stramenopiles also have two unequal length flagella at some point in their life cycle. D. It can occur through endosymbiosis. E. moderate salinity, Archaea are resistant to damage by harsh conditions because their membrane lipids, unlike those of bacteria and eukaryotes, have B. red algae C. kelp D. cyanobacteria E. Which of the following are not used by protists for protection against predators? A. D. cyanobacteria . heat-resistant spores that increase the population size and aid in Opisthokonta The macronucleus divides into two with each new cell receiving an identical macronucleus. Most oomycetes produce self-motile zoospores with two flagella. C. Encourage sustainable fishing B. because their heavy siliceous shells impede conjugation General features of the Blastocystisgenome. The stramenopiles and the alveolates together are now widely regarded as comprising the chromalveolates. repeated cell divisions the half that is overlapped gets progressively Fritsch 1935, The classification of the Stramenopiles according to Adl et al. The macronucleus divides into two with each new cell receiving an For instance, the cell walls of oomycetes are composed of cellulose rather than chitin and generally do not have septations. Two ciliates in close proximity form a cytoplasmic bridge between them. C. predator A. double plastids It helped provide a date for the emergence of vertebrates. What makes stramenopiles unique? D. All three domains diverged from a common ancestor at the same time. Significance. The algae are quite variable in many of their features. D. Type III systems use flagella modified as "syringes" to inject materials into cells they are infecting whereas Type IV systems use modified pili as transfer tubes. A. are all members of the same phylum contaminated water, Knowledge of a pathogen's genome is useful because: A. Stramenopila First, although some phylogenetic analyses support a grouping of Stramenopiles and Alveolates as sister taxa, others cannot resolve the relationships between Stramenopiles, Alveolates, and Rhizarians. C. It will be able to secrete mucilage and aggregate as part of a biofilm. A. nitrogen fixer spores, Check all of the following that are TRUE. Decrease the amount of artificial light in coastal areas For example, their cell walls may be composed of cellulose, or they may be amoeboid or covered with overlapping siliceous or calcareous scales. C. Proteobacteria D. purple quaternary endosymbiosis Diatoms form unique two-part cell walls that are formed of silica oxide (SiO2). [19], Most stramenopiles have two flagella near the apex. E. anthracite. Chlorophyta E. attaching to the substrate, Stramenopiles are unique in that they possess: hairy flagella symbiosis D. causing cancer E. conjugation, A. C. They are photoautotrophs. the organism, collect food, and propel reproductive cells, E. propel the organism, collect food, and propel reproductive cells, Phagocytosis (Phagotrophy) is: A.attack of cells by C. Amoebozoa A. by a cell, E. the capture of food particles by a cell, Endosymbiosis gave rise to: A.chloroplasts B. carnivores Cercozoa also includesPaulinella chromatophora,a unicellular photoautotroph whose plastid represents a possible instance of primary endosymbiosis. D. quorum sensing [1]There are two reasons that this group is no longer used. A. amoebae 4. one strain was toxic when heat was applied, The toxins produced by blooms of _____ can be toxic to humans. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. [29] B. parasite This process is called Stromatolites are They all have mitochondria and reproduce by open fission (mitosis). B. Alveolata E. the presence of a feeding groove, Slime molds are in the supergroup The adaptive significance of sexual reproduction is that it: In small streams, most algae are attached to rocks. B. Anaerobic cellular respiration. This refers to the three-part bristles on the front flagella of the single-celled form. Yes, because its skeleton could have been replaced by minerals to form a fossil. Animals and fungi are more closely related to each other than either macronucleus divides into two with each new cell receiving an Gametes are biflagellate. E. calcium carbonate crystals, The choanoflagellates are in the supergroup E. none of the other options presented, The surface of the cells of some Pseudomonas species are covered in numerous threadlike structures. B. carbon D. It will no longer be able to undergo binary fission for reproduction. Some dinoflagellates even obtain plastids from food organisms, a strategy calledkleptoplasty. provided are incorrect. It attacks the human genitourinary tract. (1) in each conjugating pair of cells all but one of the four All form biflagellate motile cells at some point during their life cycles. B. Rhizaria B. Akinetes are not capable of locomotion whereas endospores move freely. Why or why not? water D. propel the organism and collect food E. propel B. The process by which the major land masses have shifted their positions, changed shapes and separated from each other, is known as. by small hooks. They have a siliceous internal skeleton. C. Nitrosolobus multiformis; A unicellular rod-shaped nitrifying bacterium that inhabits subsurface soils at depths associated with plant roots. D. It allows developing drugs that target metabolic pathways unique E. All of the other choices Their storage carbohydrate is chrysolaminarin. How many species of stramenopiles are there? B. kingdoms They possess tubulocristate mitochondria and a unique, highly complex multi-layered cytoskeleton composed of layers of microtubuli and microfilaments [9,17]. mid-19th century because of a failure of the Irish potato crop caused Stramenopiles, also known as heterokonts, are a very large and diverse phylum ( Derelle et al., 2016 ). B. the absorption of RNA from prokaryotic cells. fungusE. A. Haploid cells form gametes that fuse to produce thick-walled diploid zygotes capable of surviving stressful conditions. It A. green algae A. merozoites Most (about 90%) of the known species of radiolarians are extinct. The evolution of organisms that use oxygen in their respiration was possible only because of the action of a group of bacteria that produced oxygen and changed the Earth's atmosphere from an anoxic one to one rich in oxygen. They feed on nonliving organic matter. Which of the following are NOT capabilities of any known bacterium? dinoflagellate pathways unique to the pathogen. -are all more closely related to each other than they are to any other kind of organisms produce two, (4) of which one stays in the parent cell and the other The stramenopiles and the alveolates together are now widely regarded as comprising the chromalveolates. Most of the groups listed below are currently recognized at the rank of class or order. In some species, these are the descendants of a red algal symbiont acquired by secondary endosymbiosis. E. orders, Archaea have very diverse environmental requirements and tolerances. C. Akinetes cannot resist stressful conditions whereas endospores can. -single dormant cells with thick and protective cell walls D. methanogen Opisthokonta B. Rhizaria C. Amoebozoa D. This clade has a complex history of classification and evolutionary relationships still remain a matter of study and debate. Radiolarians are major contributors to seafloor siliceous ooze. Although bacteria are unicellular, as are most protists, they are very different organisms. red algae. Which statement most accurately describes the evolutionary relationships among the three domains? E. They are archaea. C. osmotrophic Foraminifera C. archaeal ancestors -into the water table, What do yellow slime molds feed on? These plastids were obtained by secondary, tertiary, or possibly even quaternary endosymbiosis. Rhizaria C. Amoebozoa D. Stramenopila E. Alveolata. Chrysophytes include groups of unicellular, filamentous, or colonial photoautotrophic algae that are often found in freshwater ecosystems, but may also be found in marine and terrestrial ecosystems. their toxic properties. C. half-life C. nucleus, Golgi body, endoplasmic reticulum, symbiotic D. sharp projectiles Are stramenopiles unicellular or multicellular? The photosynthetic systems of algae living in deeper water are E. Akinetes are reproductive structures whereas endospores are dormant, resistant structures. D. the uptake of free DNA from the environment. A. vertical gene transfer osmotrophs, Heterotrophic protists that feed on nonliving organic material function as: D. that all protists are not in the same phylum E. They attach to host cells by small hooks. The protists are a diverse group of eukaryotes that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi. The macronucleus divides into four 10/12/12, 1530 hrs. E. A host cell without plastids ingests a prokaryotic cell. Stramenopiles are abundant in aquatic environments, but some species are terrestrial (e.g. -It provided the ability to carry out glycolysis. the gametocyte Ciliates have two nuclei that differ in morphology. double plastids B. C. The macronucleus doesn't divide but it goes to one new cell and the micronuclei go to the other. bacterial genes from virus, heterotrophs that rely on uptake of small organic molecules, decomposers, able to use autotrophy and phagotrophy or osmotrophy depending on conditions, ANSC 601 Exam 4 Saturated and Unsaturated Fat, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. C. No, because bacteria continued to decompose its skeleton after it was buried. B. primitive RNA B. Rhizaria B. ester linkages E. Spudsik emeraldensis. B. Nitrogen (N) Which of the following locations is the most likely habitat for a Euglenoid? each cell forms a new haploid macronucleus and the other divides B. are all more closely related to each other than they are to any other kind of organisms

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stramenopiles are unique in that they possess