0 Tw 9 0 0 9 240.66 248.831 Tm ET 0 612 279 -612 re 119.234 517.035 l 122.754 478.632 122.905 478.853 123.839 478.853 c /F5 1 Tf .1563 Tw EMC 0 Tc EMC /P <>BDC /Link <>BDC BT 198.987 60.214 199.21 60.009 199.303 59.796 c 213.443 112.325 l 9 0 0 9 27 70 Tm 242.414 92.123 l 0 Tw 141.465 559.862 141.452 559.812 141.46 559.763 c /P <>BDC 229.252 102.007 l ET ET 135.019 550.893 134.91 551.039 134.759 551.109 c California prison guards to get $5,000 bonus, raises in deal with Newsom administration https://t.co/EHX9EjQ31w, Capitol Alert (@CapitolAlert) June 8, 2021. /Link <>BDC /P <>BDC ET BT endobj BT .2224 Tw EMC 9 0 0 9 30.25 137.0017 Tm BT ( )Tj /P <>BDC endobj 2.2676 -9.4291 l 9 0 0 9 27 292.831 Tm 190.796 73.148 191.233 73.378 y BT 0 Tc WebJoin The California Crime Prevention Officers' Association. 9 0 0 9 147.625 477 Tm /P <>BDC 242.915 32.423 l Q ET .1087 Tw 119.597 445.652 l 240.386 87.434 l ( )Tj -.5224 -1.2336 -1.1226 -.589 -1.1226 .2224 c ET ET 0 Tw BT 0 Tw 115.55 476.543 l 137.667 555.254 l 205.527 52.929 .90591 1.4304 re /LBody <>BDC EMC EFT payments are easier than checks. /P <>BDC /P <>BDC Unionized roles include: accountants, facility service workers, electricians, correction officers, state troopers, LPNs and RNs, social workers, lawyers, physicians, engineers, and librarians, among hundreds of .0003 Tw ET /P <>BDC 123.749 456.885 122.276 456.301 122.261 456.294 c ET 9 0 0 9 27 114 Tm 9 0 0 9 63 300.4674 Tm 214.717 119.286 m 209.438 64.542 l EMC 190.938 73.546 187.204 71.586 y ( )Tj 9 0 0 9 252.0005 235 Tm 9 0 0 9 250.2 333.4674 Tm 119.597 451.857 119.597 452.973 v [( 20)]TJ BT /P <>BDC 9 0 0 9 27 543 Tm /Link <>BDC q 1 0 0 1 27.25 152.593 cm 0 0 m Q (..)Tj 227.249 129.994 227.249 129.35 v /Link <>BDC 196.753 41.197 m ET 9 0 0 9 93.404 125 Tm 0 Tw BT /Link <>BDC Health Care Coverage information and resources. 127.399 437.244 127.471 437.221 127.543 437.23 c BT ET 210.591 117.033 l 1.6894 -.589 1.1003 -1.2448 .3002 -1.2336 c 9 0 0 9 27 477 Tm /P <>BDC /Link <>BDC .1759 Tw [(D)12(ue to D)5.9(isability)]TJ 9 0 0 9 252.0005 477 Tm ET 0 Tc 238.981 110.823 m /F3 1 Tf ET EMC /LBody <>BDC 208.229 116.54 208.394 116.384 208.591 116.39 c 9 0 0 9 63 503.331 Tm h ( )Tj .01 Tc 1.1781 -.7224 l EMC 9 0 0 9 252.0006 290 Tm h 126.542 469.628 l 0 Tw endobj <> /Link <>BDC (Summary Program Description)Tj .0485 Tw KHARTOUM, Sudan (TNS) Streets in some Sudanese cities returned to relative calm on Sunday as a shaky cease-fire helped scale back a conflict that has left hundreds dead in the past two weeks. 9 0 0 9 251.9994 411 Tm EMC 101.373 480.935 l BT 9 0 0 9 252.0005 510 Tm 111.496 489.95 l 210.081 54.646 l [(of the P)11.9(r)-7.9(imar)-17.9(y D)5.8(ental P)11.9(r)5.8(ogr)9.7(am. [(enr)5.9(ollment is not completed dur)-7.8(ing the open enr)5.9(ollment)]TJ 224.881 123.406 224.012 123.148 222.658 122.745 c 167.263 547.745 l EMC /F6 1 Tf /P <>BDC 131.312 540.95 l EMC ET 9 0 0 9 251.9994 147 Tm 149.883 440.676 149.701 440.653 149.52 440.629 c [(D)5.9(ependents)9.8(, y)5.9(ou must add all such D)5.9(ependents on y)5.9(our)]TJ 0 Tc ( )Tj ET BT 9 0 0 9 252.0005 158 Tm 9 0 0 9 27 180 Tm 0 Tc I)17.8(n)0( this example)19.8(, the 9-month waiting per)-7.8(iod)]TJ (3.2)Tj 184 0 obj 133.803 555.099 118.462 550.541 y 200.615 66.542 l ET /LBody <>BDC [(Contact your P)23.9(ersonnel Ofce or the CCPO)17.8(A B)-5.9(enet)]TJ 9 0 0 9 159.5702 186.4674 Tm 0 Tc ET BT h 0 Tc EMC BT 214.638 119.56 l ( )Tj Anyone who wants to observe open session bargaining must register to attend and agree to the Observer Rules. ET BT ET 9 0 0 9 63 334 Tm 199.368 59.401 199.352 59.32 y 9 0 0 9 250.2 394.331 Tm ET 242.414 89.333 l endobj 120.69 549.757 l ET EMC BT ET ET endobj ET /P <>BDC endobj (.)Tj ( )Tj h /P <>BDC h [(co)29.6(ver)9.5(age commenced, whichever is earlier)59.6(, or on the last)]TJ ET /F5 1 Tf 206.29 68.905 l ET BT /P <>BDC 130.86 538.867 m /P <>BDC /Link <>BDC 9 0 0 9 253.7203 554 Tm 233.363 116.945 m /P <>BDC 126.959 550.738 l BT /P <>BDC EMC BT 9 0 0 9 27 334 Tm 9 0 0 9 252.0007 224 Tm 0 Tw EMC 0 Tw 204.722 72.495 l /Link <>BDC 249.957 115.065 250.059 114.963 y EMC .01 Tc .1263 Tw 133.034 544.936 l 126.783 484.031 l /P <>BDC 236.326 118.933 l 139.56 306.12 m BT BT EMC 210.001 60.6 209.929 60.599 209.867 60.6 c Information on Safe Sleep for your baby, how to protect your baby's life. .0001 Tw 125.358 494.435 l EMC 114.373 448.189 l /P <>BDC BT ET 115.55 477.241 115.55 477.547 115.55 477.811 c <> 0 Tw endobj BT BT (..)Tj EMC h BT 9 0 0 9 251.9991 466 Tm [( 42)]TJ BT 9 0 0 9 45 312 Tm /Link <>BDC BT [(details on enr)5.9(ollment in the )59.8(W)64.9(ester)-7.8(n D)5.9(ental S)12(e)0(r)-17.8(vices)]TJ 9 0 0 9 63 420.4674 Tm (.)Tj Newsoms anti-recall committee has also received significant financial support from other labor unions. .0017 Tc -1.1226 1.0226 -.5224 1.6782 .2778 1.6782 c ET )]TJ 121.65 471.44 -.93615 -1.8115 re BT 235.843 102.239 l 131.675 544.846 l /Link <>BDC 9 0 0 9 73.2646 213 Tm 169.359 531.103 169.359 531.387 v 9 0 0 9 36 324.831 Tm ET BT ET 118.906 519.673 118.892 519.743 118.872 519.834 c 9 0 0 9 197.352 147 Tm 18.19 -31.856 l BT 238.942 102.951 l BT 9 0 0 9 27 136 Tm ET ET 0 0 0 1 k /P <>BDC 0 Tc 9 0 0 9 36 203.831 Tm EMC BT EMC ( )Tj [(Emplo)29.5(y)5.5(ees and D)5.5(ependents may not have dual co)29.5(ver)9.4(age)]TJ -.0294 Tw -.0005 Tc .3764 Tw ( )Tj /P <>BDC 162.384 447.647 162.384 531.786 162.384 532.213 c BT 188.693 59.825 188.699 59.8 188.898 59.401 c 120.338 549.212 127.502 533.136 127.582 532.958 c BT 0 Tc ( )Tj 127.779 474.372 m endobj 9 0 0 9 27 540.4674 Tm 226.891 131.424 226.891 131.209 y EMC EMC EMC .0099 Tc 205.505 116.704 205.493 116.749 205.475 116.789 c [(F)35.8(ebr)-7.9(uar)-17.9(y)84.9(,)-.1( the E)11.9(ffective D)5.8(ate under the P)11.9(r)5.8(ogr)9.7(am will be)]TJ BT [(waiting per)-7.8(iod, which is descr)-7.8(ibed on page 5. BT .0098 Tc ET 198.048 65.075 l BT 0 Tc 206.404 116.885 206.323 116.926 206.297 117.001 c BT BT 199.745 90.593 l Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Stop tormenting taxpayers with toxic transit systems, Biden mortgage lending policy punishing people with higher credit scores is ridiculous, Sacramento legislators prefer grandstanding over serious governing, Californias regulatory labyrinth makes it hard for Californians to get things done, Orange County restaurants shut down by health inspectors (April 20-27), The DMV says permission to drive is based on ability, but older drivers are scrutinized more, Then and Now: Photos of Casa Romantica show damage caused by landside, More land sliding at Casa Romantica; residents evacuated, trains halted through San Clemente, Repeat drunk driver gets 15 years to life for Orange crash that killed 19-year-old Starbucks worker, Here are Orange Countys top 6 educators this year, Joe Bidens re-election bid is off to a bad start, Land beneath Casa Romantica drops 10 feet, halts railroad service through San Clemente, Orange County Artist of the Year winners announced, A look at Orange Countys baseball teams and the CIF-SS playoffs, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. 237.121 108.248 m /P <>BDC ( )Tj BT 9 0 0 9 27 180 Tm [(pr)19.8(eferr)19.8(ed D)5.9(entists for the P)12(r)5.9(ogr)9.8(am. ET .0053 Tc 9 0 0 9 251.1824 466 Tm 196.753 41.197 l /Link <>BDC ET 10 0 0 10 27 564.2 Tm /P <>BDC /P <>BDC ET 2023 Nonprofit Metrics LLCTerms of Service and Privacy Policy. [(The P)12(r)5.9(ogr)9.8(am must r)19.8(ecogniz)5.9(e any Q)5.9(ualied M)29.8(edical)]TJ BT /Link <>BDC endobj 113.014 488.433 l /Link <>BDC .01 Tc /Link <>BDC EMC EMC 109.934 483.979 l 158.02 532.616 l 130.86 538.867 l ET /P <>BDC (2.5)Tj 199.375 90.29 199.484 90.442 199.53 90.484 c ( )Tj .2789 Tw EMC Q /F14 1 Tf 153.675 555.975 l EMC h h 2 w h 137.563 535.062 l ( )Tj 0 Tc BT ( )Tj 156.587 441.546 156.406 441.523 156.224 441.499 c [( 42)]TJ [( 42)]TJ ( )Tj ET ET 20 0 0 20 24.48 549.8928 Tm EMC 166.551 544.03 m ET ET 222.368 124.371 222.299 124.422 222.225 124.413 c /P <>BDC 112.807 483.065 m [(The date C)5.9(CPO)17.8(A B)5.9(enet )35.9(T)81.8(r)-7.8(ust F)12(und no longer)]TJ 154.412 531.995 l -.0073 Tc 208.388 66.044 l 126.602 460.207 -7.6096 -1.7821 re /P <>BDC /F6 1 Tf EMC 9 0 0 9 252.0005 180 Tm 206.29 67.379 l -.0047 Tc 9 0 0 9 255.48 455 Tm EMC endobj ET 9 0 0 9 251.9999 70 Tm ET BT BT endobj 9 0 0 9 27 92 Tm 9 0 0 9 36 103 Tm /P <>BDC EMC BT 151.955 531.881 l 10 0 0 10 117.042 564.2 Tm 123.233 242.454 137.435 -224.441 re /P <>BDC ( )Tj 208.007 61.871 l EMC -.225 Tc EMC 0 Tc ET EMC h 222.814 104.957 m ET BT ET ET -11.413 8.1118 -10.321 11.496 -8.5512 13.697 c 2.1561 1.2337 1.3449 2.0451 .3002 2.0451 c 0 Tw (.)Tj BT ( 2)Tj EMC /P <>BDC EMC q 9 0 0 9 250.2 316.9674 Tm (..)Tj BT .313 Tw /P <>BDC /P <>BDC 228.823 125.988 l 815 0 obj ET ET EMC 0 Tc 153.462 570.182 153.317 570.512 153.023 570.708 c ET 105.042 437.557 l EMC 10 0 0 10 117.4 552.2 Tm BT 9 0 0 9 250.2 502.331 Tm 9 0 0 9 180.4971 425.331 Tm /Link <>BDC /Link <>BDC /P <>BDC 147.014 560.744 147.286 561.558 147.415 561.946 c -.0002 Tc 9 0 0 9 133.3352 288.4674 Tm Pre-shiftMCO declined to renew the pre-shift LOU. 9 0 0 9 83.7113 126.0017 Tm Gavin Newsoms administration. /Link <>BDC 9 0 0 9 251.1825 268 Tm 0 Tw 250.178 115.77 250.507 115.656 250.592 115.626 c ET ( )Tj endobj 9 0 0 9 63 226.9674 Tm /Link <>BDC 105.606 495.687 m 9 0 0 9 252.0003 477 Tm ET EMC BT 159.908 532.303 159.312 532.215 158.941 532.115 c 9 0 0 9 251.1825 422 Tm 210.081 27.85 210.081 28.55 210.081 29.777 c 243.22 103.987 l ( )Tj 248.626 113.339 l 9 0 0 9 111.8703 529.4674 Tm 199.355 60.574 198.851 60.607 y -.0044 Tc BT EMC /P <>BDC ET EMC /P <>BDC 9 0 0 9 172.3447 255.4674 Tm [(be ter)-7.9(minated as of the date that emplo)29.7(y)5.8(ee-co)29.7(ver)9.7(age)]TJ )]TJ ET 162.112 532.979 l h EMC BT 1 i 197.635 59.431 197.632 59.471 197.628 59.51 c ( )Tj EMC 9 0 0 9 250.2 486.4674 Tm )]TJ 238.026 116.841 l /P <>BDC 209.104 54.36 l /P <>BDC -.0248 Tw BT BT 139.56 306.12 m ET EMC Q EMC /F6 1 Tf .01 Tc 145.588 568.056 145.372 568.237 v 203.357 59.431 203.355 59.471 203.351 59.51 c EMC 177.926 549.429 l [( 44)]TJ h ET EMC ET .1655 Tw ET EMC EMC /P <>BDC /LBody <>BDC 160.953 550.614 l 215.159 117.192 215.083 117.075 215.087 116.939 c ET [(The rst day of the month in which y)5.9(ou ar)19.8(e no)]TJ 198.708 65.371 l /Link <>BDC 126.723 485.27 l EMC ET <> [(the )35.9(T)81.7(r)-7.9(ust F)11.9(und, co)29.7(ver)9.7(age for y)5.8(our new spouse will)]TJ 196.753 52.929 3.8149 1.4304 re The group claims a GOP coalition of national Republicans, anti-vaxxers, Q-Anon conspiracy theorists and anti-immigrant Trump supporters are behind the campaign to oust Newsom. 226.677 128.42 l BT EMC State correctional officers have been exposed to the coronavirus in closer quarters than most other state employees as outbreaks have spread in the states prisons. ( 8)Tj EMC BT Gov. ( )Tj BT KEEP A C)5.9(OPY OF )35.9(THIS)]TJ On health insurance for CCAs, the tentative contract maintains the Postal Services biweekly contribution of $125 toward self-only coverage in the USPS Non-career Health Plan for Plan Years 2020 and 2021. BT /F3 1 Tf 138.197 535.334 l 189.229 61.858 l ( )Tj Please turn on JavaScript and try again. I)5.9(f)0( y)5.9(ou do)]TJ .01 Tc -1.7168 1.3962 -1.7343 3.6176 -.7226 5.5455 c EMC BT WebPistolas de Pintura e Acessrios Devilbiss (19) 3242-8458 (19) 3242-1921 - vendas@leqfort.com.br 230.754 109.75 m 102.627 479.835 l 224.821 124.889 224.817 124.866 224.817 124.843 c 141.435 103.2 m /LBody <>BDC 0 Tw 127.779 464.918 m ( )Tj 12 0 0 12 212.3878 316.9082 Tm /Link <>BDC BT 234.344 102.617 234.419 102.642 234.509 102.668 c [(pr)19.6(emiums\), become eligible to enr)5.7(oll for co)29.7(ver)9.6(age on the)]TJ ET EMC 242.47 103.936 l EMC BT 9 0 0 9 45 191 Tm 9 0 0 9 27 169 Tm h 201.344 64.542 l 0 Tw BT EMC BT /LBody <>BDC 200.615 68.667 l (2.3)Tj 380 0 obj 9 0 0 9 251.9991 433 Tm EMC EMC /P <>BDC 0 Tc /P <>BDC ET 211.077 116.463 211.232 116.628 211.226 116.825 c ET .2 0 l ( )Tj 0 0 0 0 k 143.089 533.703 l 0 Tw -.025 Tw W n EMC h 9 0 0 9 198.4518 543 Tm 0 Tw EMC 100.694 478.361 100.701 478.329 100.953 477.824 c ET /Link <>BDC 0 Tw 9 0 0 9 27 125 Tm ET 238.909 105.816 l 9 0 0 9 240.66 126.9674 Tm At the same time, many officers have refused vaccines. <> 9 0 0 9 240.66 133.331 Tm 9 0 0 9 250.2 271.9674 Tm 0 Tc BT -9.51 23.09 -9.0794 22.567 -8.8558 22.794 c <>stream /P <>BDC 9 0 0 9 63 425.331 Tm h 190.288 60.795 l 9 0 0 9 252.0007 323 Tm 119.975 550.089 119.444 550.266 v

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